Workshops 10th

Draft Timetable:

Click workshop topics for more information

  Festival Hall, part 1 Festival Hall, part 2 Festival Hall, Part 3 Linna Cabinet







A The connections of creativity, innovation and IT

/Sanna Järvelä

Mikko Ahonen

B Innovation Processes and Management


/Sandra M. Dingli




C Concepts and notions:

Tulevaisuudentutkimuksen ja sisältöliiketoiminnan käsitteet koetukselle


/Ilmari Leppihalme &
Sari Söderlund

Coffee (15 minutes)

D Borderlines between education, research and development in the creative industries:
Kulttuuriperinnön tuotteistaminen ja media

/Eija Timonen &
Marjo Mäenpää


Coffee (15 minutes)


Coffee (15 minutes)


Coffee (15 minutes)

Innovative Clusters and Networks

/Jukka Teräs


Borderlines between education, research and development in the creative industries:

/Judith Doyle



Productions, products and the services of the future:

Practical issues in Creative Industry Management/
Esimerkkejä sisältöliiketoiminnan johtamisesta

/Petra Tarjanne &
Aira Rusanen


17:00-17:15 Break Break Break Break



E Ideas for Future Collaboration and Research

/Urpo Tuomela,
Timo Pärkkä & Outi Niemi




Workshop A (In English and Finnish)

Theme :The connections of creativity, innovation and IT
Name: Yksin, yhdessä vai jaetusti - Uuden tiedon tuottaminen/tulevaisuuden teknologiat
Chair: Sanna Järvelä, University of Oulu, Department of Educational Sciences and Teacher Education, Research Unit for Educational Technology
Name: Innovation Management IS and the Support for Creativity and Learning (.pdf)
Mikko Ahonen, University of Tampere, Hypermedia Laboratory


1. Yksin, yhdessä vai jaetusti - Uuden tiedon tuottaminen/tulevaisuuden teknologiat
Sanna Järvelä

2. & 3. Yhteisöllisen oppimisen ja työn tulevaisuuden skenaarioita
Case: virtuaalinen tiimityö ja 3D pelit
Case: MLI - Mobiilit laitteet yhteisöllisen oppimisen tukena
Piritta Leinonen ja Tiina Luokkanen

4. Innovation Management IS and the Support for Creativity and Learning (.pdf)
Mikko Ahonen

5. Johanna Still: The Influence of R&D Network Conditions on its Knowledge Creation - Cases New Mobile Service Development Networks

6.Katariina Ala-Rämi and Tommi Inkinen: Information Technology, communication and innovative networking. The case of Northern Finland

Theme:Innovative Clusters and Networks
Chair: Jukka Teräs


7. Katri Suorsa: Epäsuotuisien alueiden innovaatiotoiminnan edistäminen: esimerkkinä Multipolis (.doc) (In Finnish)
Enhancement of innovation activities in less-favoured regions: case Multipolis (.doc) (In English)

8. Kerstin Hölzl: Creative Industries in Europe and Austria - Definition and Potential (.pdf)

9. Marianne Mäntylehto: An Innovation support system in periphery - Business Garden Oulunkaari (.pdf)

10. Seppo Saari: Cross-bordering regional cooperation between Northern
Finland and Sweden

11. Andra Aldea-Partanen ja Jouni Ponnikas: Socially Innovative Networks: Deserve case.(.pdf)


Workshop B (In English)

Theme I: Innovation Processes and Management

Chair: Sandra M. Dingli, The Edward de Bono Institute, University of Malta
Name: Thinking Out of the Box:
Innovative Organisations and Lateral Thinking


1. Tiina Rautkorpi: Mentoring in Creative Society (.doc)

2. Igor Gazdik: On the formalisation of the process of innovation (.doc)

3. Pauliina Marjala, Kari Kisko ja Harri Haapasalo: Työhyvinvointi, työ, luovuus sekä onnistunut johtaminen-mahdoton yhtälökö? (.doc) Work, Well-being, Creativity and Successful Management - Mission Impossible?

4. Eila Lindfors: Technology Education - is it available equally for girls and boys in future?(.pdf)

5. Foster Ofosu: Beyond Clusters and Systems: A Triple Helix Approach to Education and Training in Innovation Management (.doc)

Theme : Borderlines between education, research and development in the creative industries

Chair: Judith Doyle, Ontario College of Art and Design, Canada

6. warmware : art and design of emotional content for memory augmentation tools (.doc)


7. Lanwan Chang and Yung-Huei Chang: Teachers and students participation in local industry innovation and carrying on research to improve the quality of products (.doc)

8. Tarja Toikka: Kysymyksiä korkeakoulun ja liike-elämän rooleista innovaatiotoiminnassa (.doc) Questions about the roles of the universities and the business in the innovation system (.doc)

9. Foster Ofosu: Beyond clusters and Systems: A Trible Helix Approach to Educationand Training in Innovation Management (.doc)


Workshop C (In Finnish)

Theme: Concepts and notions

Name: Tulevaisuudentutkimuksen ja sisältöliiketoiminnan käsitteet koetukselle
Chairs : Ilmari Leppihalme, University of Oulu, CreaM-project and Sari Söderlund, Turku School of Economics, TULIO Graduate School


1. Topi Hanhela: A conceptual study of internationalisation in creative industries (.pdf)

2. Tanja Vilén: Inside an "Opera Factory" - Managing the Integration of Business and Creative Knowledge (.doc)

3. Elina Hiltunen: Discussion about definitions of wild cards and weak signals

4. Susanna Kivelä: Jotain rajaa? Hetkellisen ylisiirtymisen pilkahduksia yritysten rock-kilpailussa (.doc)


Workshop D (In Finnish)

Theme : Borderlines between education, research and development in the creative industries

Name: Kulttuuriperinnön tuotteistaminen ja media
Chairs: Eija Timonen, University of Lapland, Faculty of Art and Design and Marjo Mäenpää, University of Art and Design, Pori School of Art and Media


1. Marjo Mäenpää: Kulttuuriperintökohteiden ja museoiden tuotteistaminen ja markkinointi digitaalisessa mediassa

2. Marketta Luutonen: Käsityömuotoilu koulutuksen, tutkimuksen ja työelämän edistäjänä (.doc)

3. Petri Jussila: Yhteishallintainen koulutus, tutkimus ja kehittämistyö Keski-Suomen luovan toimialan tulevaisuuden tekijänä (.doc)

4. Eija Timonen: Kulttuuriperinnön tuotteistaminen käsikirjoittajan näkökulmasta

Theme : The productions, products and services of the future

Name: Practical issues in Creativity Industry Management/ Esimerkkejä sisältöliiketoiminnan johtamisesta (.doc)
Chairs: Petra Tarjanne, Ministry of Trade and Aira Rusanen, Visuelli


5. Timo Pärkkä, Veijo Korhonen and Aira Rusanen: SHAKE THE JELLY ! Ramp-ups and other examples of value innovation creation (.doc)

6. Petri Petäjäjärvi: Nelikenttäkysymysten käyttö organisaatioiden vision tutkimisessa(.doc)

7. Kari Jääskeläinen: Key success factors in international breakthroughs of Finnish content (.doc)

8. Anna Häkkinen & Thierry Baujard: Content industry and venture capital: The Rudolph -initiative (.pdf)

Workshop E (In English)

Theme: Ideas for future collaboration and research

Chairs: Urpo Tuomela and Outi Niemi, City of Oulu and Hanna Honkamäkilä, University of Oulu

The theme of the workshop E is “Ideas for Future Collaboration and Research”, and it aims to be a discussion platform to collaboratively design future scenarios and ideas for future research and development activities for creative industries.

Workshop organizers
• Urpo Tuomela / Program coordinator, City of Oulu, Innovations and Marketing Group
• Outi Niemi / Program coordinator, City of Oulu, Innovations and Marketing Group
• Hanna Honkamäkilä / EU coordinator, University of Oulu, Planning and Development
Timo Pärkkä/ Project Manager, University of Oulu, VLab

Workshop procedures

The presenters are asked to send their papers (maximum 15 pages) to their chairs before the 26th of September by e-mail.

The chairs may start the workshop with a short speech or presentation. Generally, each presentator has 15 minutes time for their presentation and 15 minutes for discussion.

The order of the presentations may change.

Towards the end of the workshop some time is reserved for open discussion, after which the group will collect the most discussed topics to share with other groups on wednesday.

The Conference Proceedings will be published on the Conference's webpages during November 2006.